Manufacturer and Exporter


Since 1997

Wide Range of Applications

Foods, Cosmetics, Plastic, Paint and more

Exporting to the Overseas Market

We work hard and dealing with global customers personally

Innovation is a way of growth


Manufacturer & Exporter of all kinds of Magnesium Salts

HARI OM CHEMICALS & HARI OM FINE CHEM is Manufacturer and Exporter of LIGHT MAGNESIUM CARBONATE (MGCO3), since 1997.

Hari Om Fine Chem is trusted by the domestic and international clients for the manufacturing of Light Magnesium Carbonate. Hari Om Fine Chem is located at Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, nearest international airport Ahmedabad (180 KM), nearest sea ports are Pipavav (130 KG), Mundra (350 KM) and we also have daily connectivity of domestic flight to Mumbai.

  • Own Manufacturing Unit.
  • In-House Drying Technology.
  • International Client.
  • Quality Assurance.
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Our Product

We (Hari Om Fine Chem) are only one manufacturer in India who manufactured Light Magnesium Carbonate by In-House Drying Technology; NOT A SUN-DRYING (Open DRYING in GROUND); so there will be no foreign particles in our product.We have expanded, with a high end infrastructure & setup for innovative manufacturing and distribution network to address the growing needs of existing and new customers. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

Magnesium carbonate is produced using high quality raw materials. Production facility is well equipped, well designed with fully automatic machinery and high technology drying system. Starting from the raw materials charging to packaging of finished goods, there is no manual touch and negligible atmospheric exposure. Safety and hygienic conditions are well maintained in and around production area.

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